Sunday, 24 January 2016

About Sophie Calle and her work

A brief biography to provide some context about their work:
Sophie Calle is a French photographer, writer, and conceptual artist.She is most known for her detective style of following complete strangers and find out about their private lives through these photographs.

An outline of the type of photographs they produce:
She mainly takes photographs of strangers and their belongings. She shows good examples of this in one of her collections called 'The hotel, Room 47'. She set the photographs out like in a crime scene where they have several photographs side by side. The photographs are mostly in black and white print but there are a few in colour.

A clear idea of what the purpose of their work is/was:
The purpose of her work is to construct the identities of strangers or even of people she has briefly met. For example in her collection called Suite Venitienne (1979) she followed a man who she had met a party for a few minutes. She had found out things about him through these photographs she had taken. 
Below is a photograph of Sophie Calle's collection called Suite Venitienne.

Composition: The below features put together to make the photograph above.
Lighting: The lighting is all natural as this set of photos are all taken with a older camera and are quick actions shots from afar.

Focus: The focus for this photograph is the style of how the photos have been taken. And who she is following.

Framing: The framing is wider so that is lets more images in. 

Narrative and visual language: The narrative of this image is who this man is she is following and how she is taken them without being caught.